
In the animation class, I did research about animation and have been trying different software for animation. I am also have been doing a lot of drawing as well. As a team, we are learning together and trying to different projects do. Since I less experience in animation my teammates have been helping a lot. I am currently trying to use Opentoonz. 

Solar Pi Round 2

Solar Pi is a project that implements Pi-computer to Cambodia government schools. The Pi-computer run by solar because we want to have it in the rural area that can’t access technology, especially computer. We got sponsored for some computer to put out in the school. We teach students to use basic computer skills by making tutorials in videos to guide them. The school name Chous, located in Takeo, Cambodia. On 26th, November 2018, we visited the school again and proved Mousepads 25, Keyboard and mouse set 3, Plastic covers 25, and pretest. We gave the pretest to the students so we can see the students English level and can place them in different classes.



Literacy Class Round 2

In the class, we learned how to write a formal email resume. I receive tips and how to write a formal email and I found it will help throw out my life a lot. With a lesson, I can tell that I have improved so much in writing an email to other people. In class, I also draft my first resume as the class assignment. It’s a little challenging for me because I don’t really have a clear plan on what I want in the resume. I just added general skill/experiences I have.

Here is my first draft of my resume:


In the class, we started Pre-Calculus. We also did a lot of Khanacademy. We learned function, complex numbers, polynomials, rational relationships…. In the process of learning those subjects I struggled with polynomials, I spend a lot of time doing and learning about it. I got help my friends and videos from Khan Academy. Eventually, I understand and master the section. Some section is harder than others and some I need to spend a lot of time of it. We also learned different units in a book of “Precalculus 6e”. In the book, we learned about function and graphing them. By the end of round 2 of Math, we end at unit 3.7.

Engineering Stand Round 2

In class, we had to come up with problem and solutions to help solve. I got a team 4 members, and our project is “Reducing traffic in Phnom Penh”. We brainstorm and did a lot of research to come up with different ideas to reduce traffic in Phnom Penh. We interview people who traveled everyday in the city to see what they think cause the traffic and how long and ideas that might help toward the problem. So we came up ideas and evaluating alternatives.

Pharma Lab

In the class, we did a lab of Pharma. In this lab, we explored some of the characteristics of over-the-counter medicines (pharmaceuticals) by making observations, collecting data, and comparing results. In this lab solutes, substances are Aspirin, Tylenol, Alka-Seltzer, and Tums and solvent substances are oil, water, ethanol, and iodine.  

Critical Teens Issues Project

Critical Teen Issues is a year-long project that talks about issues that teen are facing. The first round of the project we mainly focus on the relationship between friends, family, and partner. We discussed those topics with our classmates and learned more about each other as well as how to make those relationships healthy with your friends, family, and partner. We are planning to lead a workshop for teenagers in Cambodia and help them discuss problems with them and hoping to give them advice. Cambodia is a little bit strict with teenagers especially their look and behavior. Some teenagers gain pressure from that. As a teen myself and the group, we want to help and encourage them to discuss with us and help us give advice on their issues. We are still working on planning the workshop as round one in this project.

Virtual Reality Project

I am doing this project Virtual Reality(VR). Virtual Reality a technology device that let you see 3-dimensional art shape around you. For PC gaming in general, we use a mouse that keyboard to control the game, but for VR gaming, you just need a set up of VR system and you can play the game by moving yourself or doing actions to play, it is more realistic.  As a team, we have a goal of designing our own game. Now I am just a beginner in this project so I had to learn a program that supports VR, which is Unity. I am learning to design and tool in unity design.

Solar Pi

Solar Pi is a project that implements Pi-computer to Cambodia government schools. The Pi-computer run by solar because we want to have it in the rural area that can’t access technology, especially computer. We got sponsored for some computer to put out in the school. We teach students to use basic computer skills by making tutorials in videos to guide them. The school name Chous, located in Takeo, Cambodia. Since summer break just ended we had to go and check up what is going for the students. Our team went to the school on September 18th in order to make updates and prepare for the start of the next school year in November. We checked to see if there were any technical problems or broken equipment to replace during the observation. By the end of our visit, we got to talk with the school director. The school director suggested us to open up this opportunity to other students who are interested in learning English and computer. We are still working with the director.


Aquaponic System

Aquaponic is a project that working to build an aquaponic for our school. This is a year and we haven’t really done much. Aquaponics is a system that feeds fish and uses their waste for nutrients to grow plants. The system need only roughly 10 percent of the water that needs with soil-based agriculture methods. So aquaponic is a system save water while can produce the same amount of food as soil-based agriculture methods and we can raise fish while doing that also. In class, we had decided to groups that make this project run as well as build it up. I am in a group called “Explorer” We basically research and come up with designs that work for us and material of it. We haven’t decided on what plants we grow or fish to raise because we are still researching and trying to get help from other projects that have done it. We are looking for different projects that we can work with or possibly visit their place and get some idea for ours.