A mile in someone’s shoe

In Literacy class, we were assigned to do research about a different group of people and write about them. I choose Latin Americans. We had to understand what the group had been through and how they feel. We basically write about them and want people to show empathy toward them. A mile in someone’s shoe is the focus of our writing.

A mile in someone’s shoe means that you try to put yourself in someone emotion or situation. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the emotion of another. Empathy is important because everyone needs to understand other people situation and be respectful with it and help if we can. I’ve been reading and researching about the Latin Americans and had gained some knowledge about this group, identity, diversity, and action that can help Latin Americans.

   Latin Americans, the counties below the United State with the population over 625 million. They speak Spanish or Portuguese as their languages. Latin Americans mostly are brown with dark hair color. They the largest minority in the USA right now. They have their own individual culture as well as history.  This individual identified themselves as people paid less attention to them, victims but the community is growing for the better. A Latin Americans family struggle and went throw a taught time in their life because a brother is the family were shot by police and died. The police claimed that because the brother didn’t follow the order and moved his arm in a threatening manner. The family did a protest toward the death of their family member but, it seems to get no attention from anyone nor the country so they felt like people paid less attention to them as Latin Americans. A high population of Latin Americans is moving to United State. The projected population of Latin Americans in the United by the end of 2050 would approximately be over 132 million and near 10 million of them are Immigration living in United State in the year 2010. Those people considered themselves as helpless because they have no choice than to move to enter the US illegally for a better life.

   With that mindset with the Latin Americans, they are growing larger and wealthier. Latin Americans are the largest ethnic group in California. Even though the average income Latin Americans are lower than average White Americans, but their income and education is increasing tremendously by 3.5% and up to $41,000 a year. Even 1 out 5 households earn at least $100,000 a year. With less attention that they think they are receiving from other people and still become better this quick is impressive. There around 30% or Latin Americans are Immigrants they had overcome doubting the to item college degree. With the success this particular group is achieving, they still feel like they left out from form other people. For Immigrants are currently in the United State, they still feel scared and worried that they might get deported anytime now especially with Donald Trump as the US president.

With all the success and achievement that Latin Americans achieved, they still feel pressure in living because mainly of fear that they might get deported anytime.  That leads to limiting their opportunities. Latin Americans scared to take different opportunities that occurred in their life because if something went wrong people will know that they are Latin Americans. Even students in Fresno that are Mexican studying with worried about their life especially with Trump as the United State president. There are a lot of students that their parents don’t support Trump in the school. Some students even wonder that if their parent got deported to their country back, will they go with their parent to stay in United State alone, That causes more worried to students as well as their parents. Logan, a 9-years-old third-grade student. He loves Trump. He had been to see Trump speech and received Trump’s red hat that was signed by Trump himself. Logan loves the hat and wears it to school every day. With the Trump red hat on his head to school every day, the teacher made a rule of not allowing hat in class. Logan still wears it before and class end. A lot of students and teacher weren’t really the idea of Logan wear Trump’s red hat. Logan got bullied and one of the teachers made a comment that is dangerous to wear Trump red hat in the school. Due to the fact of a lot of Mexican students in the school and the fear of Trump winning the election they don’t like people who support Trump and can potentially get them deported from the country.

   This is an issue that is causing on Latin Americans. Living in their condition is hard especially those who live in America illegally. They don’t really consider as American even though they are Americain. People should give value and make them feel comfortable living. Everyone should study and get to know more about Latin Americans so they can put themselves in their shoe to see what those people been through and their daily life.”

Khmer Grammar Khmer Class Round 2

Khmer is the only class that we get a chance to speak and learn Khmer. This round is round 2 of the year of 2018-2019. Khmer is a subject that like learning because it lets me know more about my language and do better on it either speaking, listening reading or writing. In class, we focus on grammar. Khmer grammar is similar to English, so I learn quick. We learn basic Khmer grammar in advance way, like part of speech. We get to do research and get to ask a teacher. We learned to break-down sentences into individual word and identify the part of speech as well as the function of the word in the sentences. After the research, we put all the research in one presentation to present to our classmates what we learned. 

Chemistry(Flame Lab)

In chemistry class, we studied basic Chemistry and we did some experiments in the class as well. One of the labs that we did was a flame lab. The objective of the lab is “To observe the relationship between various elements and their emission spectrum” We had the different compound of elements and we burn it in the flame. We observer and there some color when we burn each compound. The compound of the lab was Barium, Calcium, Copper, Lithium, Potassium, Strontium and the Unknown. We had the unknown there because our teacher wants us to figure out what it is.

Here is the data that I got from the lab I did:

I also had discussion questions and conclusion as well but, this is only the data of the color.



Color of Flame (qualitative)

Wavelengths of light (in NM) (quantitative)

Barium Chloride Yellow 570
Calcium Chloride Orange 610
Copper (II) Chloride Green 612
Lithium Chloride Red 586
Potassium Chloride Light red 630
Strontium Chloride Pink, Red 589


Light red 630



Literacy Leadership Team Round 1

The round one of literacy when focus a lot of reading and leadership. We read children in an advanced way and show that children books could help so much in different ways. We come across reading this book called “The Rent-Collector” about the life of people living in a dump. We lead every discussion on the book the book read by our-self. We also learned about poems and we wrote poems about the book that we read. This is one of the poems that I wrote from a chapter of “The Rent-Collector”.


On the bus, Ki and Nisey sit next to Sang Ly.

Look at her left, look at her right, what does she see?

Strangers are everywhere.

Seeing all the classes of different people on the bus doesn’t seem fair.


She felt isolated from the one around her.

Awkwardness and risk just to get Nisey to feel better.

Embarrassment for the family because Nisey cried.

To calm him down is more than satisfied.


Thinking of it while placing him on the shoulder.

Reading a storybook about a tiger.

As she is reading with the book in her hand.

The strangers made her feel like she is surrounded by her friends.


Everyone on the bus was listening to her reading.

Reading makes her friends and calms her son from crying.

Their destiny about becomes.

But the storybook she read hasn’t done.


Her friends were not satisfied

Didn’t get to finish the book even she tried

Her friends would do anything her to finish the book

A businessman told the driver to wait is all it took.


She finished her book and hold Nisey in her arm

The smile from everyone after listening to her is a charm

Getting off the bus, happiness with her

Continuing her trip to find the HEALER.

My Khmer New Year Inspired Creative Writing

The time has come. Bob has been waiting for this moment for an entire year, its Khmer New Year. He joined a competition to buffalo race. The race started with many people that are attending and there are so many people are watching. Bob is a defending champion from the year. The race is about to start and his buffalo ran away from him. That buffalo ran so fast in a forest. Bob was so worried about his buffalo and about the race, he went in the forest and after 15 minutes he came back from the forest with no buffalo. The race started in 3 minutes, and he said down with his head down like he is giving up on finding his buffalo and about to cancel his race. Suddenly a pair of buffalo came out of the forest, and one of them is Bob’s buffalo. The buffalo ran into the forest because he saw his wife from far away, and haven’t met each other for 5 years since Bob bought his buffalo. Bob and his buffalo was so happy and had the courage to race. The race started and Bob buffalo was so fast that none of other can even compete. Bob won again this year with his buffalo in the year of 2018.


This story was inspired by a guy that dresses up in a funny looking, who join a race with his buffalo. He seems like a cool an interesting guy, he made everyone smiles and made the race more interesting and fun.

“Statue” Khmer Poem

I wrote this poem in Khmer class. 


អង្គុយសំកុកលើកៅអី                                លួចមើលអូនស្រីពេលញ៉ាមបាយ

លួចនឹកលយចគិតបានថែកាយ            ជារឿងសោកស្ដាយដែលមិនបាន។

វង្សភ័គ្គរូបស្រីស្រល់ត្រចង់                         មុចមូលក្រឡុងដូចកង់ឡាន

អង្គុយសំកុកនៅនឹកស្មាន                       បានរូមកលយានមកណែណិត។

ស្រមោលស្រមៃឃើញតែស្រី                      ញើបញ័រហរទ័យរំភើបចិត្ត

ចង់ស្និតចង់ស្នាលចង់នៅជិត                ចង់បានវមិត្តថ្នាក់ថ្នមកាយ។

លុងស្នេហ៍ស្រីដកចិត្តមិនបាន               ស្ម័គ្រថែនល្យានពំុសោកស្ដាយ

ឌឺដងសម្ដីពាក្យលេបខាយ                      ស្នេហ៏តែឆោមឆាយគ្មានថ្មីឡើយ។

គិតហើយគិតទៀតចង់សួរស្រី                ក្រែងស្រស់ពីសីមានគេហើយ

អង្គុយសំកុកចាំចម្លើយ                          ចាំដោយបេះដូងលោតដុកដាក់។

ចាំស្រីយូរហើយមិនវាចា                           ឬស្រីគិតថាខុសវណ្ណ:

ទើបដឹងថាស្រីជាចម្លាក់                          ដែលគេបានច្លាកសម្រាប់តាំង។


Working with Khmer Sight Foundation

On November 2017, I participate in an event with Khmer Sight Foundation. Khmer foundation is an organization that goes around Cambodia to help old people who have a problem with their eyes. The event was in Prek They. What I did in the event are helping Khmer Sight Foundation organization to help test the vision for everyone went to the have their check. I worked with new people that I never talk and never meet before it was hard. I am with my partners was calling out numbers for eyes checking, we told the people who want their eyes check to follow our instructions, but it hard to work with some of them because some of them can’t hear very well and some just didn’t really listen to what we said. I get to learn more skill like talking to old people and make them feel comfortable to work with us so it makes the process easier. I learned to read some complicate numbers that used to check our eye. To see how many people were there, it was so amazing to see how I can help Cambodian people. In general, it was a really great experience to help and learn new skills in life.


Physics 2017-2018

In October 2017, I had a class of physic. I learn about different forces in an object like a force of normal, the force of gravity, apply force and many more forces. I also get to learn about kinematic equations:

Image result for kinematic equations

the picture from http://www.physicsclassroom.com

Furthermore, I learned about static friction and kinetic friction.

In class, I did an experiment with an object about kinetic friction.


Material Trial 1 degrees Trial 2


Trial 3






Coefficient of static friction
Wood 20° 23° 31° 74° 24.67° 0.46°
Sand Paper #1 51° 51° 57° 159° 53° 1.33°
Sand Paper #2 45° 45° 53° 143° 46.67° 1.06°
Sand Paper #3 45° 41° 41° 127° 42.33° 0.91°
Sand Paper #4 42° 51° 51° 144° 48° 1.11°
Sand Paper #5 51° 42° 51° 144° 48° 1.11°


Here what we analyzed:

Our hypothesis before doing this experiment we thought that sandpaper # 4 and #5 will have the same angle because it is the same type of sandpaper. We also thought that the board itself has less friction so the angle for the object to start moving might be less than the other, like sandpaper. So the rougher the sandpaper is, the more friction force there will be since it’s going to have a bigger angle and takes more force to be able to move the object. So, sandpaper #4 and #5 will have the most friction and needs angle than the wood and sandpaper #1, #2 and #3 because since their roughness is less the #4 and #5.

Based on the experiment, the max average angle was 53 degrees and from that, the biggest minimum angle to make the object slide down is 1.33. The average coefficient of static friction is 0.997. Therefore, the average angle is 43.78.

The real thing might affect the data are: the measurement of the angle is not accurate, the speed that we pushed the board to go up, some sandpaper is not correctly stuck placed board(it was kind of curve surface not flat), we keep the board moving, we didn’t place the object at the same place every time, the shakiness of our hand pushing the board, we only measure when the object is moving we didn’t know exactly when it started to move and we started in different angle most of the time.

Literacy 2017-2018


In August 2017, I had a class with Literacy. In this class so far I learned many from it. I learned to edit our own paper better, write an essay, write a good introduction, a good hook, use higher vocabulary, to shorten something but still means the same way, use transition word and much more that I can’t even write it all down. This class we had a project that learns to write a “coming of age” essay. In this project we write a true experience that happened in our lives and change our lives, that is the becoming of age essay.

Here is some part of my essay:
On September 15, 2007, I was sleeping near my mother, suddenly I heard the sound of sadness, heartbroken, and everyone was crying. I immediately thought of my grandpa because I knew that he was very sick. I never thought he would pass away and left me all the sadness with me. I felt so sad and felt like there was no hope in life. I will never forget the memories and what he has taught me.

Resources Week

In August 2017, I had missions to complete by navigating in Phnom Penh City without the adult. I assigned to join with a group of four students to complete all those missions. We needed to walk and be negotiated and paid with the tuk tuk driver to drive us in the city.  We completed the missions around lunch. What I learned was really helping throw life, like to take care each other in a group or team, to solve problems, to collaborate, to listen, to help and to do things by yourself without anyone support(in this case adult).