HIV/AIDs leading workshop

On 28th of March, 2017. I am a part of a team that leads HIV workshop at my school. I am one of the session leaders. Before the workshop started I felt a bit nervous and scared about if I miss anything up. During the session I felt like I did well and proud of myself. The students that attend asked so many good questions. It was really valuable to share what I learned to other students about the problem of discrimination toward people living with HIV in Cambodia. I was presenting about treatments in Cambodia, it was really fun with our simulation on candy as medicine, the attendees seem interesting, focus shared a lot of ideas and asked a lot of questions.

My mission statement.

My mission statements are I will share what I learned from this expiration. My neighbor always told me that I am really skinny so I must have HIV. From what I learned I will explain to them about HIV and the problem of discrimination that needed to stop. My family and my relative, been carrying a lot of myth about HIV that it not even true at all. Once I go back to my hometown I’ll clear that up and really hope that they will understand. Not just to my family, I will all help spread this awareness to my friends that don’t know about HIV. I really hope that they will help and stop the discrimination toward PLHIV.

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