Game Design


Game Design is a project that my group created a board game. This board game is special from the other board game, the board game mainly focuses on Cambodia curriculum. What this board game does is it helps students in Cambodia to learn the different way from usual, but we’re not trying to change how the whole curriculum system. So, this board game it about Climate Change Problem, building solutions in Cambodia to reduce CO2 in Cambodia is the way to win the game. To build solutions the players need to answer questions from their curriculum to earn point to build the solution to help Cambodia reduce CO2. This game basically helps students to review their lessons, makes new friends, release stress from just sitting down and listen to teacher speaks. Most of the government schools in Cambodia, students sat down and listen to the teacher and took notes the hold time and it keeps of stressful and might get bored out of that. We went to a school in Phnom Penh and most of the students seem like they are enjoying this board game that Liger students created it. It seems like a board game is new to Cambodian students so it should be an interesting and new experience for the students. We hope students in Cambodia learn new experience from the game and make the game fun and learn at the same time. So this board game design is to help students so much that the next group would produce this board game to 100 schools in Cambodia.

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